These are just a sampling of the real-world results Parade customers are experiencing.
Increased Carrier Reuse
Carrier reuse has become a top priority for brokerages, but it’s easier said than done without help from a capacity management platform like Parade. The system is designed to facilitate easy carrier reuse and the algorithms that drive Parade’s freight matching and automated carrier outreach encourage it. Here are some of the carrier reuse results our customers have seen.
ARL Logistics saw carriers taking 20 or more loads increase by nearly 25%.
Recent stats from Buffalo, NY-based Concept Logistics showed that over a 90-day span, carriers hauling over 4 loads were at 60%, and at that time, the company had 746 carriers taking 20+ loads per month.
Fortune Logistics saw a 25% increase in carrier reuse in less than 6 months of Parade use, a notable stat since carrier reuse was a priority for them before, but they didn’t have simple processes in place to facilitate it.
Improved Margins
ARL Logistics experienced a margin gain of over 10% on 20+ load carriers. ARL also saw margin increases of close to nine percent on digital freight.
Margin gains are a common theme among Parade customers. The majority of customers we’ve interviewed in the past year have told us they’ve achieved savings on freight costs since starting with Parade. Some of those customers use those savings to improve their margins while others pass their savings directly onto their shippers.
More Digital Bookings and Quotes
As the freight industry becomes more tech-savvy, more and more brokers are turning to digital tools like digital booking and digital quotes to free up reps’ time, build stronger relationships with carriers by letting them do business on their terms, and improve margins.
ARL Logistics saw 8.9% of their loads being digitally assisted and a 17% conversion rate on digital quotes.
Concept Logistics doubled their digital loads booked over just one month.
Jones Logistics is booking up to 28% of their loads digitally.
Fortune Logistics recently shared with us in a webinar that 54% of their loads were digital over the course of a week. 54%! That’s incredible!
It’s worth noting that many of our customers were using digital quoting and booking tools before Parade and not seeing the success they’d hoped for, then saw a huge turn-around in digital activity when they added Parade.
More Loads Booked
Between the increased productivity that comes along with Parade’s streamlined processes and automation and the digital tools like digital booking and quoting that take away much of the work that goes on behind the scenes during the booking process, Parade customers are able to get more loads booked.
At Fortune Logistics, they were able to increase their bookings per rep per week by more than 50% in some instances. The team at Fortune also experienced a 10%-20% increase in productivity almost immediately after adding Parade.
Have you wondered what kind of results capacity management could drive for your brokerage? Reach out to our team to get a demo.